7 Reasons Why Your HOA May Be Upset About Your Trees

You take pride in your yard and do all you can to ensure it looks its absolute best. So why on earth is your homeowner’s association giving you a hard time? As it turns out, they are upset about your trees—not that you have lots of them on your property—instead, it’s how those trees look that’s the problem. While receiving a nastygram from your HOA is frustrating, there is likely a good reason why.

In today’s blog post, let’s explore some common reasons why your HOA may be upset about your trees. 

Is Your Homeowner’s Association On Your Case? Here’s Why!

If a neighborhood HOA is upset about your trees, it’s likely because they haven’t been maintained. This is true regardless of whether the trees are healthy and growing or dead as a doornail. Here are seven common reasons why:

  1. The tree limbs closest to the ground are so low that neighbors must crouch or duck down to miss them while walking.
  2. Tree limbs are leaning into the street and are being hit by trash collectors and other large vehicles.
  3. Your trees are dead and have become an eyesore in the community.
  4. Your trees haven’t been trimmed for so long that they’re now invading the neighbor’s yard.
  5. Tree roots have damage sidewalks, roads, underground utility lines, or neighboring properties.
  6. Your trees go against community standards or don’t align with the appearance of the rest of the neighborhood.
  7. There are too many weak or dead branches.

What Is the Best Way To Address This Problem?

If your HOA is upset about your trees, the issue is usually related to aesthetics, safety, and property values. In other words, it’s time to give your trees a little TLC, and Clean Edge Tree Service in Wisconsin wants to help. 

As much as we want our trees to keep growing big and strong, the reality is that they often grow too much during the growing season. So the next thing we know, thick branches with hundreds of green leaves are hanging over the roofline, rubbing against the pergola in the backyard, blocking important sunlight for the grass below, or hanging so low along the front walkway that you and anyone else out for an evening stroll find themselves ducking to walk by.

In other situations, trees have died and should be removed to avoid aesthetic issues and the potential for disease and decay to spread to other areas of your property and your neighbors’ properties. Again, this is where Clean Edge can help!

A few benefits of working with a professional tree service include:

  • Improved tree appearance
  • Ensure overall health
  • Better exposure to sunlight
  • A lighter, less “weighed down” tree
  • The ability to remove damaged limbs/branches at greater heights
  • A balanced and properly shaped tree
  • Early disease detection and prevention
  • Reduce the risk of property damage
  • Improved property values
  • A happy HOA

Your friends at Clean Edge Tree Service in Wisconsin understand how frustrating it can be when your HOA is so upset about your trees that it sends nasty messages. With one quick phone call, we can make everything right again.

You’ll be happy, your trees will look great—and your HOA will finally be off your case!

Call Clean Edge Tree Service Today!

Clean Edge Tree Service Wisconsin is your residential and commercial tree removal and 24-7 storm clean-up pro in Sheboygan and surrounding areas. We are family-owned and operated by arborists who have deep personal roots in this community, which means we have the equipment and experience to tackle any tree project you throw our way safely and efficiently. 

Do you need to trim a few branches or remove a stump? We do that. Did your tree fall over in a storm? We’ll be there for whatever emergency storm clean-up needs you have. Call Clean Edge Tree Service today!

Trimming a Birch tree to clear away from the roof line