7 Reasons Why Your HOA May Be Upset About Your Trees

You take pride in your yard and do all you can to ensure it looks its absolute best. So why on earth is your homeowner’s association giving you a hard time? As it turns out, they are upset about your trees—not that you have lots of them on your property—instead, it’s how those trees look that’s the problem. While receiving … Read More

Do You Love Clean Edge Tree Service? Write an Online Google Review 

We would be remiss if we didn’t thank those who posted 5-star Google reviews about your experiences with Clean Edge Tree Service in Wisconsin. We have roughly 50 online reviews since opening our doors not too long ago, and I’ll tell you there’s nothing like word of mouth to make someone believe in the benefits of professional tree care.  This … Read More

Should I Install a Root Barrier or Consider Tree Removal?

John noticed doors sticking and random wall cracks on one side of his Wisconsin home about a year ago and decided it was finally time to hire a foundation repair expert. Upon further inspection, the culprit appeared to be a decent-sized tree planted too close to the house on that side of the property. The company he hired gave him … Read More

A Cautionary Tale: Why Safety Is Important in Tree Service and Removal

We preach all the time about the importance of safety in our profession. After all, too many people believe tree trimming, pruning, and large-tree removal is easy — so easy, in fact, that perhaps anyone can do it as long as they have a chainsaw and maybe a few tree-climbing ropes. Not only is that not the case, but tree … Read More

Wind and Bad Weather Isn’t the Only Reason for Fallen Trees 

Each time there is a significant storm in Sheboygan County, there are bound to be massive tree limbs and even entire trees lying in yards and residential streets. In some cases, they fall in such a way that they block major roadways or land on a home or nearby vehicle. It’s easy to blame the devastation solely on damaging winds … Read More

Dying Tree Have Telltale Signs – Here are 6 of them

You really love your tree landscape. You’ve seen them grow and thrive ever since you moved into your home 10 years ago. But, that one tree that never quite grew as well as the others did and has always struggled to stay green and look healthy. Lately, it’s not been looking well, and you’re wondering it’s on the way out. … Read More

5 Reasons to Hire a True Tree Professional

One of the greatest things about Sheboygan is the amount of beautiful trees we have. You know, the ones with deep roots, a blooming canopy, green leaves, and sturdy limbs perfect for hanging a tire swing for children, supplying shade for outdoor events, and making your property look even more amazing. But in order to have such beautiful and healthy … Read More

Remove That Dead Tree Sooner Rather Than Later

Large limb broke in storm, Large Tree Removal

At Clean Edge Tree Service, it is our mission to ensure your property — and trees — hold their beauty for years to come. But even the finest trees can fall victim to insects, diseases, and Mother Nature. When this occurs, the advisable thing to do is remove that dead tree sooner rather than later. Why should you remove that … Read More

Price vs. Cost in Tree Service: Do You Know Which One Really Matters?

Pine tree removal. Cutting the tree close to the ground for stump grinding ease.

When you need to hire someone for tree pruning or another type of tree service, what’s the first thing you think about? If you’re like most homeowners, it’s probably the price. Everyone wants to know how much they will pay, and we don’t necessarily blame them. Quality tree services done right aren’t cheap. But is searching for the best price … Read More